Monday, November 30, 2009

Ch. 18 - Think & Share

Alright, AP gang. hopefully you recovered sufficiently from your Pity Party and Tryptophan Hangover to work this week! Below are the Ch. 18 Think & Share Questions assigned today:

1. How did the California Gold Rush result in inflaming strong sectional disputes? - Phillip

2. Explain how the issue of slavery in the territories acquired from Mexico disrupted American politics from 1848 to1850. – Jini C.

3. Who supported and who opposed the Compromise of 1850, what were its main provisions, and how did it pass? - Derek

4. Point out the major terms of the Compromise of 1850 and indicate how the Compromise of 1850 attempted to defuse the sectional crisis over slavery. - Aby

5. Explain why the Fugitive Slave Law included in the Compromise of 1850 stirred moral outrage and fueled antislavery agitation in the North. - Andrea

6. Why did the North so strongly resent the Fugitive Slave Law and why did the South resent northern resistance to enforcing it? - Ashley

7. Did the North, South, or West benefit most from the Compromise of 1850? Why? - Miranda

8. Indicate how the Whig party’s disintegration over slavery signaled the end of nonsectional political parties. – Summer, India

9. Describe how the Pierce administration, as well as private American adventurers, pursued numerous overseas and expansionist ventures primarily designed to expand slavery. - Kyle

10. What foreign policy agreements were made with regard to Latin America and Asia? - Dhara

11. Describe Americans’ first ventures into China and Japan in the 1850s and their diplomatic, economic, cultural, and religious consequences. - Damaris

12. Describe the nature and purpose of Douglas’s Kansas-Nebraska Act, and explain why it fiercely rekindled the slavery controversy that the Compromise of 1850 had been designed to settle. - Taylor

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Question for you (Ch. 9 - "American Pageant")

AP gang,

Take a look at this question, and answer fully on this blog. Feel free to respond to your classmates' answers as well. Here goes:

"Some historians contend that the Constitution, by providing the structure of government and powers necessary to perpetuate a strong union, 'saved' the fledgling American Republic from collapse and ruin under the Articles of Confederation. Evaluate this argument utilizing your knowledge of the problems of the United States in the 1780’s."

Post your answer by Fri. evening, 10/9, please. Can't wait to see this!!

Knowledge is power...

Monday, October 5, 2009

Weeks of Oct. 5-9 & Oct. 12-16

Good times, AP gang!!!

I have a blog now, so I'm armed (w/ knowledge) and more dangerous than ever!!! For the next couple of weeks, we're going to be looking at the post-Revolutionary era, when the white guys that you grew up hearing about drew up the designs for this great land that we live in. Washington, Jefferson, Adams, Hamilton, Madison, et al...this should be fun!!!

This Friday, you guys will be leading discussion groups on "Common Sense" w/ Mr. Dill's 7th-grade 1st period students. Know the arguments in "Common Sense," as well as the British viewpoint. Here's a website that might help you:

By Wed., 10/7, please register yourself on this blog so that you can start taking part in the fun!!!

Peace, love, & Moon Pies,
Mr. Fields

Welcome to the Wayward Whisker!!!


After much consideration, consternation, and other big words, I have started my blog. I hope that this blog will prove to be a worthwhile use of your time as my student, and will help you to understand the world around you just a little deeper.

We will begin the Current Events articles very soon...

Warmest regards,
Mr. Fields