The date for the AP US History exam is fast approaching, and a LOT of topics that could be seen on the test are about to become more familiar to all of you, starting with the Great Depression and the New Deal of the 1930s.
Something that you will all want to do as soon as possible is bring a memory stick to class so that you can watch United Streaming's "America in the 20th Century: The Great Depression." This is a great half-hour-long summary of the 1930s in the United States; I will also allow you to use some practice materials to become more proficient in your knowledge of this formative era in American history, which may also be saved to your memory sticks.
You will also want to visit my McKeel Academy webpage and save the Guidebooks for Chapters 32-33. These are important to study for these two chapters. I expect these to be finished by Friday, April 1st, including essay questions.
You will also need to read Ch. 15 in Zinn's "A People's History of the United States." On Mon., 3/28, I will assign you the usual questions in class (make sure you get it from me!), but this week, you will go the extra mile: there is also a Zinn Ch. 15 study guide on my McKeel Academy webpage. Complete this document as well and email it to me (due dates to follow).
This week, we will be using a new resource to study the Great Depression. It is a multimedia unit of study that can be found at:
You will select Chapter 20 from the Table of Contents. You are required to view Lessons 59 & 60 ("Causes & Consequences of the Great Depression" and "The New Deal"), including all readings, presentations, and anything under the "Explore" tab for each lesson. In addition, under the "Assignments" tab in the Table of Contents for Chapter 20, be familiar with all key terms, complete the map activity on the Dust Bowl, answer the DBQ ("Analyze the responses of FDR's administration to the problems of the Great Depression. How effective were these responses, and how did they change the role of the federal government?"), and complete the writing assignment.
Now, for due dates. Obviously, you already have the "Florida Terror" and "Scopes Monkey Trial" assignments due on Tues., 3/29. Here are this week's assignments due dates:
-Tues., 3/29: "Florida Terror" & "Scopes Monkey Trial"
-Wed., 3/30: Key Terms from the Monterey Institute's online unit & the map activity
Thurs., 3/31: Zinn Ch. 15 Study Guide & questions (#1-#27), Monterey Institute writing assignment ("Rank the causes of the Great Depression, and then write a 300-word essay on the following: identify three points at which intervention by the federal government could have slowed or perhaps even stopped the Depression.")
Fri., 4/1: Have "American Pageant" Guidebooks for Chapters 32-33 completed.
Mon., 4/4: DBQ about the New Deal (this is the ACTUAL AP Exam DBQ from the 2003 exam!)
Now, a few of you have been asking about extra-credit. Here is your opportunity:
1.) For fifteen extra points, post your response to this question on this blog by Fri., 4/1: "How did the philosophy of government change in America during the 1930s as a result of FDR's New Deal?" This should be at least 200 words, and you should use specific examples from this week's learning.
2.) For ten extra points, complete the "Great Depression" flm's video quiz true-false & multiple-choice questions. Correctness will count! For five extra points each, complete the other assignments included in the .pdf file. This can be turned in on Mon., 4/4.
As always, no extra-credit will be accepted from any student that does not turn in ALL required assignments.