This is the United States at night. It's such a plain picture, maybe even a little boring, but it explains so many things about our country today, and where we were just over a century ago. What would a nighttime picture of the United States have looked like in 1899, for instance (assuming there had been a satellite to take it)? Where would there not have been any light? What made all of it possible? Hopefully, some of these things will be shown to you in the next couple of weeks.
Of course, you have "American Pageant" guidebooks to give you a plethora of background information, and these guidebooks are on my McKeel webpage. You will need to complete Ch. 23 & Ch. 24 by this Friday, 1/20, and Ch. 25 & Ch. 26 by next Friday, 1/27. You will also be able to find the PPTs for Ch. 23-26 on my webpage as we continue through this material.
1.) Zinn, Ch. 11 - "Robber Barons & Rebels" - questions due on Wed., 1/25
2.) Haymarket Riot - George Engel was a German immigrant who was also an avowed anarchist; he was accused of helping to plot a bombing in a crowded Chicago public square during a labor protest in early May 1886. This PDF file on my webpage allows you to read some of his testimony during his trial. Answer #1 - #4 using the testimony and other information you deem necessary. This will be due on Thursday, 1/19.
3.) The Pullman Strike - one of the more famous workers' strikes in American history; this PDF file shows George Pullman's (president of the Pullman railway car company) statement to a presidential commission that investigated the bloody dispute. Read the interview and answer the questions that follow. This should be turned in on Thursday, 1/19, with the Haymarket Riot assignment.
*It is very important with these Monterey Institute assignments that you take them seriously; there is a LOT of useful information in these units, and it is not good enough to just answer the "Consider This" questions that you turn in to me. Make sure that you view the presentations that are assigned and complete each lesson topic's activities. You are training yourself for future assessments by doing this!
4.) Monterey Institute, Unit 6, Ch. 14, Lessons 41 & 42 (we will get to the other lessons in Chapter 14 in a couple of weeks) - Lesson 41 has TWO "Consider This" questions for you to answer. (Due Tues., 1/24)
5.) Monterey Institute, Unit 6, Ch. 15, Lessons 46 through 48 (Due Wed., 1/25)
-Lesson 46 - 2 "Consider This" questions
-Lesson 47 - 1 "Consider This" question
-Free-Response Question (Part C, #4 on Page 9 of the link)
-Writing Assignment
-Discussion Question
6.) Monterey Institute, Unit 6, Ch. 16, Lessons 49 & 50 (Due Thurs., 1/26)
-Free-Response Question (Part B, #3 on Page 7 of the link)
-Writing Assignment (Nast Cartoons, #1-#3)
-Discussion Question
7.) Andrew Carnegie Document-Based Question - we'll take a look in class at several documents that shed light on Carnegie's background, business methods, worker-management relations, and philanthropy. This written DBQ will be due on Fri., 1/27.
8.) Homestead Riot Class Assignment(given on Wed., 1/18) - Due on Fri., 1/20
For the week starting on Mon., 1/30, we will begin our look at the final major conflicts between the last Native American tribes on the frontier and the United States government.
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