Tuesday, February 2, 2010

"Interviewing an Immigrant" Assignment


Here are your directions for conducting your "Interviewing an Immigrant" assignment.

You will be interviewing an immigrant in your community, and writing a profile that documents the interviewee's experiences. You will base your profile on salient comments made by the interviewee about such issues as his/her arrival in the U.S., his/her adjustment to American life and culture, discrimination, and language difficulties.

Set up a time for you and your interviewee to talk, using the questions given to you as a framework. It is important to actually TALK to your interviewee, and not just hand them the questionnaire. The interview questions given to you should be used, but allow yourself an opportunity to ask other questions as well, especially if an answer given peaks your curiousity.

Some interviewees may be uncomfortable talking about their immigration experiences, particularly about discrimination or language difficulties. Ask your potential interviewee whether or not they are comfortable talking about these experiences before you interview them. If they are, find another interview subject.

After your interview, write your immigrant profile using the directions given to you in class. Try to include a picture of your interviewee and a map of their home country with your finish typed profile.

These are due on Fri., 2/19.

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